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Delgaudio: President's Comments on Marriage Amendment Cause Anxiety

Falls Church, VA--Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio called on President Bush to put as much emphasis on protecting the freedoms of families in America as he is on protecting the freedoms of foreign citizens. The comments come in the aftermath of an interview the President gave to the Washington Post where he seemed to be backing off of his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would limit the sacred institution of marriage to a union between one man and one woman.

"If President Bush puts as much energy, passion, vision, and emphasis on traditional family values as he is doing on protecting the civil liberties of people throughout the globe, then we can surly pass FMA during his second term," stated Delgaudio. "The President was re-elected by pro-family Americans who came to the polls in droves to support policies such as FMA. It is imperative that he use some of the 'political capital' that he speaks of to support this worthy initiative."

Delgaudio also mentioned that the President's comments to the post are making pro-family American's very anxious about his second term. "Public Advocate is going to need to hand out rolaids after the Washington Post interview," continued Delgaudio. "These comments should be making all supporters of traditional values in America ver nervous.

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American family for over 25 years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions for gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible. For more information please contact Jesse R. Binnall at 703-582-7924.