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Blogs Post Public Advocate Letters

Dozens of Blogs Post Public Advocate Letters

Some conservative and pro-family groups routinely post our messages. Thank you for that.

The homosexual lobby is now joining pro-family forces and publishing and distributing our letters and using some of the hundreds of photos from our Public Advocate website and posting critical comments on our mass mailings and website.

In a bizarre development our political opposition is publishing our anti-Gay Rights messages.

The google postings for Public Advocate have increased substantially.

There is an increase in emails, visits to the website and hate mail and phone calls. Typically our posted videos get a range from 300 to 1500 visits. Our just posted video is over 3000 visits in 24 hours.

Sites like Dagblag and the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News devote space to pro-gay rights critics of Public Advocate.

Washington Note publishes one entire message from Public Advocate

Yet another (different) posting by pro-homosexual forces of a Public Advocate message

(This last blog did post that all of the "recent" postings of "recent" Public Advocate messages are actually 12 year old direct mail letters sent out 12 years ago and provided a link to the Washington Post.)

Actually Public Advocate has been sending out messages similar in tone and content since 1981.

The first posting of a Public Advocate letter on the internet was in 1997 with the first publishing of excerpts in the Washington Post metro section in 1982, a few years prior. And the Washington Post has published a dozen times in its national, metro and local editions the same information, that Public Advocate publishes anti-gay rights letters and messages.

Public Advocate uses a variety of low-budget but obviously attention getting methods to educate and reach 100 per cent public support for our programs.

In short order, there may be a thousand blogs with various Public Advocate messages posted online at this rate.

But blogs attacking Public Advocate contribute directly to our public policy mission even as they attack our political position of opposition to federal legislation granting homosexuals special rights and powers.

At least the respective gay lobbies and blogs are not claiming they don't know who Public Advocate is like some dishonest liberals.