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Did Elena Kagan Authorize Up To $50,000 Per Student For Sex Changes?

So just how much taxpayer money is Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan spending for sex changes at Harvard. It could be millions. Senators should ask how much money she authorized for sex change operations.

At the University of Pennsylvania, estimates for their program are up to $50,000 per student.

From the Daily Pennsylvanian: In the next academic year, the Penn Student Insurance Plan will begin offering a new benefit for transgender students - it will cover the cost of the gender confirmation process, also known as gender reassignment or transition.

The benefit covers triadic treatment, the term used for the three-step process of gender confirmation. Triadic treatment consists of psychotherapy, estrogen or testosterone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery, which involves the changing of genitals.

The benefit covers the costs of surgery for up to $50,000. According to a research report by the organization Transgender At Work, the cost of male-to-female surgery can average around $20,000.

The initiative was introduced by the previous Lambda Alliance board, chaired by College senior and Daily Pennsylvanian columnist Dennie Zastrow.

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