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Shut Down Heard Round the World: Pro-Gay Republicans Sabatoge Sunday's Tea Party on Lexington Battle Green in Massachusetts

Shut Down Heard Round the World: Pro-Gay Republicans Sabatoge Sunday's Tea Party on Lexington Battle Green in Massachusetts.



The Tea Party scheduled for this Sunday afternoon July 25, on the historic Lexington Battle Green has been canceled.

It's the only time in America, to our knowledge, that a Tea Party has been shut down by Republican activists.

The organizers were forced to cancel the event by "Republicans" sympathetic to the homosexual movement and hostile to the parents' rights movement that exposes the taxpayer-supported homosexual agenda in the schools. The main speakers, prodded by a socially liberal Tea Party (and Republican) activist, announced that because Brian Camenker of MassResistance was also speaking, they would not participate.

The cancellation was first reported in the local newspaper, the Lexington Minuteman. Eric Dahlberg, a left-wing Republican candidate for State Senate, told the newspaper "Some consider MassResistance a hate group, I don't want to be within a mile of an event that gives someone like that [Camenker] a stage."

Unbelievably, Dahlberg was followed by most of the other "conservative" speakers for the event, who contacted Tea Party organizer Jesse Segovia and told him that they would not participate if Camenker was included!

MassResistance has been a Tea Party favorite

Needless to say, this attack came as a bit of a shock. Over the last several months Brian Camenker of MassResistance has been the main speaker at Tea Parties in South Boston, East Longmeadow, and Chicopee, as well as being invited by its organizer to an exclusive Tea Party breakfast with Sen. Scott Brown (back when he was still popular with Tea Partiers). At all of those speaking events, Camenker and MassResistance were received extremely well.

Sunday's Lexington Tea Party was considered a fairly major event, and people that we know of had been planning to attend from as far away as western Massachusetts.

Phony "hate group" excuse

The so-called conservatives used the excuse that MassResistance has been called a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left extremist group. The SPLC has also targeted major immigration reform groups, Christian groups, Glenn Beck, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Michelle Bachmann and the Tea Party movement itself. The SPLC has been widely discredited across the political spectrum for this kind of reckless and libelous activity. (See Item #2 below.)

Ironically, one theme of Sunday's Lexington rally was to confront other phony "hate" charges -- the NAACP's absurd charges of racism and "bigotry" against the Tea Party movement.

Spiked by a Tea Party activist / political consultant

MassResistance has talked to several people and gotten first-hand accounts of what happened.

It apparently started with Christen Varley, head of the "Greater Boston Tea Party", a different Tea Party organization than the Lexington group. Varley is also an employee of Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), a "moderate" pro-family group, through an MFI affiliate that consults with political candidates. (Some would say that is a conflict of interest.) She also has strong ties to the state Republican establishment.

This week Varley contacted the Lexington Tea Party's speakers and advised them -- in fairly strong terms -- not to appear if Camenker was included. Then she called Jesse Segovia, informed him she had contacted the speakers, and advised him not to have Camenker as part of the event. Varley did this even though she had no official connection with the Lexington event.

About that same time Jesse started getting calls from his speakers. They specifically mentioned Camenker and said they were canceling if Camenker was involved. He even got a call from the Lexington Minuteman newspaper. To his credit, he refused to back down to that pressure. But eventually so many speakers cancelled, that he cancelled the event entirely -- which apparently was Varley's objective.

A moderate well-liked by the mainstream media

Unlike other Tea Party leaders around the country, Varley is well-liked by the mainstream media. She's considered sensible and moderate by the establishment press. (Not like the other Tea Party "rabble" which the media have only contempt for.) As head of the Greater Boston Tea Party she's had numerous friendly articles published about her in the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and even the Wall Street Journal, as well as many "softball" local radio interviews.

By her own admission, Varley tries to exclude discussion of "social issues" from all of her Tea Party events. It's all about fiscal issues, she says.

Hostility to the parents' rights movement. Last year Varley invited MassResistance to speak at one of her Tea Party events, but under the condition that we did not talk about the homosexual agenda in schools. After we refused and told others about her restriction, Varley left several angry phone messages at our office, referring to parents who were battling the gay agenda in the schools as "nut jobs."

Hall of shame

Besides Christen Varley (who should be at the top of this list) the following were scheduled to speak at the Tea Party but said they would not come if Camenker was there. (Note: Some of these were added to the roster after the original list was published.)

* Todd Feinburg.

Feinburg is a well-known "fiscally conservative" WRKO morning radio talk show host who has been a speaker at several Tea Parties around the state, including the one in Boston with Sarah Palin. Feinburg's "shtick" is that everyone should vote for Republicans because Democrats are "destroying the country." He seems to view social conservatives as a fringe element not worth paying attention to.

Strangely, Feinburg once had Camenker on his weekend national radio show for three hours. At the Waltham Tea Party last month, Feinburg and Camenker briefly talked. Feinburg gave Camenker his email and invited him to send him some of the MassResistance material. Apparently he wasn't too serious about that. We've been sending it to him (without any response).

Feinburg recently had the anti-illegal immigration group FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) on his show. FAIR is also on the SPLC's "hate" list. That didn't seem to bother Feinburg, though. Maybe it's just pro-family "haters" he has problems with......

There were some heroes

Three of the invited speakers refused to yield to the pressure -- and were still willing to come and speak along with Camenker. All of these deserves your support:

* Gerry Dembrowski - Running for Congress against Ed Markey.

* Earl Sholley - Running for Congress against Barney Frank.

* Mike Stopa - Running for Congress against Jim McGovern.

* Sandi Martinez - Running for State Senate in 3rd Middlesex District.

And of course: Jesse Segovia. Jesse is a first-class guy, incredibly principled, and fearless. He is also Chairman of the Lexington Republican Party and Gerry Dembrowski's campaign manager.


We have never seen anything like this deliberately done to a Tea Party anywhere in America. It's an absolute disgrace, and represents the worst kind of anti-family RINO sleaziness. There are hundreds of thousands (and this year possibly millions) of taxpayer dollars going directly to the radical homosexual / transgender agenda in our schools to target children in Massachusetts. The idea that this should not be challenged at Tea Parties -- and that those who do speak out should be demonized -- is beyond offensive.

What you can do:

(1) Contact those who helped shut down this event and let them know their opinion of their hostile anti-family and un-American actions.,,,,,

(2) Confront Todd Feinburg, WRKO radio's so-called conservative talk show host who shows up at so many "acceptable" Tea Party meetings. Call in to Feinburg's morning show and call him out on his unprincipled behavior.