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Pro-Family God Fearing Women Under the Sarah Palin Banner Taking The Lead

Pro-Family God Fearing Women Under the Sarah Palin Banner Taking The Lead

Examiner writer Dana Loesch says, in part, "These past two years we've seen the rebirth of feminism: "The face of the tea party is female," said a March 2010 Quinnipiac poll, which detailed who's driving the grass-roots movement.

The year 1992 was billed as the "Year of the Woman," with 222 women on the ballot for congressional seats; this year Rutgers University counted 239 women on the ballot heading to the 2010 midterms.

Conservative women are active because the liberal idea of feminism has failed. An entire generation of berated men have been hog-tied by the chick card, and conservative women are tired of the liberal stereotype that they're all simpletons who only raise their voices to sing in church.

Conservative women are rebelling against this false advocacy used as a political ploy to tether women to The Man.

Say hello to conservative feminism."

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