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Call the College President Too.

Public Advocate is collecting signatures asking Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to defund Augusta State Unversity.

It states in part (we) "urge you, as the enforcer of the State's Constitutional law, to withhold funding from Augusta State University in the state budget and to inform this school of that decision until such time as they will respect Jennifer Keeton's Constitutional rights of conscience, religion, and speech and shall cease to threaten her with expulsion for exercising those rights."

Sign the petition at

A Christian student, who is pursuing her master's degree in counseling at Augusta State University of Georgia, has become the target of blatant discrimination for opposing the homosexual lifestyle.

The student, Jennifer Keeton, believes that homosexual behavior is immoral based on her views of the Bible.

Now she is being told that she must change her "central religious beliefs on human nature and conduct," or be expelled from the counseling program at ASU.

To the end of changing her beliefs, Keeton has been ordered by the school to undergo a re-education plan that requires her to attend "diversity sensitivity training," and write papers to describe the effects on her beliefs.

She would also be required under this re-education plan to "work to increase exposure and interactions with gay populations." This would include attending a Gay Pride Parade in Augusta.

Fortunately, Keeton is not backing down in the face of this vicious attack against family values and her free speech. She has acquired the help of the Alliance Defense Fund, a group that works to defend religious freedom.

David French, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, said that "It's hard to conceive of a more blatant violation of her right to freedom of speech and her freedom of conscience."

In fact, since Thought Control was passed in 2009 we have seen an increase in discriminatory policies against pro-family students.

At Missouri State University earlier this year, a professor tried to force a student to write a letter to the Missouri Legislature expressing support for homosexual adoption.

The student faced expulsion if he did not comply, but the school quickly corrected the wrong when a lawsuit was filed by the Alliance Defense Fund.

Augusta State University, however, is not so ready to respect Jennifer Keeton's freedom.

That is why Public Advocate is urging our supporters to call Augusta State University President's office at 706-737-1440 and the Dean of the College of Education's office at 706-737-1499 and put pressure on them to end their school's religious discrimination against a pro-family student.

Public Advocate has been putting up signs around the university, to defend Keeton and make students aware of this situation.

So far the reactions from students and residents have been overwhelmingly in favor of our cause.

We have also prepared a petition to the governor of Georgia, Sonny Perdue for you to sign.

The petition requests that the governor threaten to withhold funding from the college in the next state budget if the college will not allow a qualified student to continue in the counseling program simply for expressing her beliefs.

This is an excellent way to make our voice heard for the Family! Please sign the petition and call the president and Dean of the College of Education today!