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Obama Lawyers Defraud Public and Legal Process to "Back" Military Gay Ban at Supreme Court

Last week, the president of the United States claims to follow his oath of office to America while he presides over the wholesale liquidation of secrets about war strategies leaked by members of his own administration.

This week President Obama sent Solicitor General lawyers to backstab and further betray the American military by fraudelently representing them in a courtsuit in an intentionally incompetent manner.

Obama says he wants to end the ban on gays but says it is up to Congress. That is a nice dance but obvious.

Being in both camps at the same time fosters distrust. And for good reason. You- Mr. President or all liberals who do this -- do a bad job of fraud and even thieves are embarassed.

The Bloomberg report headline says "Obama Lawyers Back Military Gay Ban at Supreme Court" but any fair reading of your legal briefs leaves out the harm allowing openly declared homosexuals into the military will cause.

But, don't worry, Mr. President, the article dutifully quotes your homosexual allies in the Republican Party, the Log Cabin Republicans in thanking you for assisting them in dismantling the American Armed Forces

Quote "In asking the Supreme Court to lift the ban while the litigation goes forward, the Log Cabin Republicans said the government "presented no evidence to support a finding that open service by gay and lesbian individuals harmed the military's interests."

Opponents of the ban are now trying to include a repeal as part of a defense bill the Senate will consider in the lame-duck session that starts next week.

For the whole article from Bloomberg