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Here's Our Supreme Court Brief Against Adult Homosexuals Being Scout Leaders

Public Advocate posts this to help the public understand the tremendous threat posed by wholesale public groping by strangers of young children at our nation's airports.

  • Amicus Brief on the Merits in Support of Boy Scouts
    Boy Scouts of America and Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America v. James Dale
    U.S. Supreme Court
    February 28, 2000 (That's ten years ago)

  • Lead Amicus: Public Advocate of the United States
  • Additional Amici: Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, Committee to Protect the Family Foundation, Concerned Women for America, and National Criminal Justice Council
  • Purpose: Encourage the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the decision of the New Jersey Supreme Court, which would have forced the Boy Scouts to make homosexual advocate James Dale an assistant scoutmaster, in violation of their First Amendment right of expressive association, which allows them to exclude homosexuals from positions of leadership.
  • Amicus Brief in Support of Respondents
  • Result: The Supreme Court Sustained the Boys Scouts ban on adult homosexuals being "scout leaders".

A copy of our entire brief is posted at this link "Boy Scout Brief on the Merits" which details the many criminal acts perpetrated over the years in a widespread conspiracy documented in many formal investigations and studies and filed with the U.S. Supreme Court