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Public Advocate Fast Response:Senator Brown Buried By Avalanche of Outrage

Public Advocate Fast Response:
Senator Brown Buried By Avalanche of Outrage Nationwide

Idiot Republican Scott Brown announced he would support allowing gay troops to serve openly in the military in this interview with the Boston Herald "Sen. Scott Brown's 'seismic' shift on gays"

Sen. Scott Brown's 'seismic' shift on gays

Brown Courted By Radical Homosexuals

In a statement to his supporters, Eugene Delgaudio President of Public Advocate Said:

Senator Scott Brown is caving on Don't Ask, Don't Tell as the critical vote nears!

"It has never mattered to me whether they are gay or straight," said Scott Brown in recent statement.

But while running his campaign in Massachusetts, he feared the power of the pro-family movement and claimed he would never support the Homosexual Agenda.

Scott Brown must once again fear our movement -- NOW is the time to turn up the pressure.

Scott Brown needs to know there WILL be consequences if he votes with the Homosexual Lobby.

Call Scott Brown RIGHT NOW at (202) 224-4543.

Tell him the pro-family movement is watching and the ONLY acceptable vote is a vote AGAINST repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

You and I DO have the numbers to influence his vote.

But only if you join in making our voices heard.

Thanks, in advance, for your action.