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Eugene Delgaudio: "One Million Phone Calls: kill the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell"

One Million Phone Calls: kill the repeal of
Don't Ask, Don't Tell!

Statement from Eugene Delgaudio, President PA to supporters of PA:

Thanks to supporters of Public Advocate for calling your Senators! You forced a delay on the
repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell!

But I can stress enough, it is only a delay! Harry Reid plans to
bring it back for a vote TODAY.

The Bill is not dead!

In fact, Reid has a new scheme up his sleave.

He's put the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell INTO the Defense
Authorization Bill.

Yes, the SAME bill that already contains the Gay Bill of Special

You are witnessing the Lame Duck session that Harry Reid called a
"Goose on Steroids."

And unless you take action RIGHT NOW, he's going to succeed.

Call Your Two U.S. Senators again, today! (supporters have been given the two numbers
their respective Senators)

Tell them to vote AGAINST the Defense Authorization Act as long
as it contains either Gay Bill of Special Rights or the repeal of
Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

You and I DO have the numbers to influence this vote. We forced
Harry Reid to delay earlier this week.

If you join NOW with hundreds of thousands of other pro-family
Americans and make our voice heard, we will defeat this Lame Duck
once and for all.

But only if you act NOW! So, please, call immediately.

Please call your two US Senators (Supporters have recieved a state sensitive listing)
and tell them to vote AGAINST the Defense Authorization Act as long as it
contains either Gay Bill of Special Rights or the repeal of Don't
Ask, Don't Tell.

Thanks again for taking action for the family