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Sarah Palin Appears To Support GOProud's CPAC Appearance

Liberal Mediaite reports "As 2011's Conservative Political Action Conference draws closer, tensions have been raised again over the inclusion of homosexual conservative groups like GOProud with some threatening to boycottwhile others have tried to stress the conference's all inclusive (to conservatives) nature. To the latter, more welcoming side, it appears we can add none other than Sarah Palin. Palin seemed to offer her support to GOProud in a recent interview with none other than the religious-based CBN News."

Video and partial transcript

Public Advocate believes this may be strike two for Palin as she previously titled to the pro-homosexual side when she vetoed a bill as Governor.

As outlined in her first book "Going Rouge", Sarah Palin ,while Governor, confronted the state legislature when they passed a law, for her to sign, which banned gays next of kin rights for state workers.

Then Governor Palin vetoed it, saying that it was unconstitutional, and that if the people of Alaska wanted this law they could pass a state referendum (like the one they passed banning homosexuality) BUT she wasn't going to be a party to it.

Public Advocate considers this a pro-homosexual vote and can explain it .

Yes, Public Advocate prefers referendums over legislative action when possible.

But this issue has to do with state workers who receive taxpayer funds and can not be viewed as a "constitutional" issue in the national or legal sense.

If a legislature and Governor can not limit who has access to state taxpayer funds then how is Governor Palin different from other, more liberal governors, who give in to granting collective bargaining for state employees as in Wisconsin?