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Public Advocate Helps Liberals

Falls Church, VA – As the liberals in the United States Senate continue to block good and capable jurists from even having a vote on the Senate floor, Public Advocate has decided to embrace bipartisanship and prepare a survey that Ted Kennedy and his liberal co-conspirators in the Senate can use to more easily identify nominees that the may want to block.

Below are some of the questions that we will present to these liberals free of charge!

1.) Do you promise to avoid the reasonable interpretation of laws when you have the opportunity to legislate liberal activism from the bench?

2.) Do you promise to permanently ignore any morals you may have?

3.) Are your religious beliefs politically correct?

4.) What new left-wing "right" do you wish to invent as a judge?

5.) Do you promise to remove any and all monuments to the Ten Commandments from public venues and replace them with tax-payer funded pornographic "art"?

6.) How many definitions of the word "is" can you identify?

7.) Do you promise to protect virtual child pornography in public libraries and ignore free speech when it involves political speech that could threaten our re-election?

8.) Do you promise to research the laws of foreign nations to find how they can be used to overturn laws passed by elected representatives in America?

9.) Will you remove all reference to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and on all U.S. Currency?

10.) If a United States Senator was to be involved in an "accident" that involved the loss of innocent life, what steps you would take to make sure that he was never investigated or prosecuted?

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