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Impeach And Remove Gay Judge or Appeal to the Supreme Court.Judge's admission of long same-sex relationship undermines 'impartiality'

Impeach And Remove Gay Judge or Appeal to the Supreme Court.Judge's admission of long same-sex relationship undermines 'impartiality'

In a clear case where a conflict of interest rules the court, an openly homosexual judge continues to rule against Propositon 8 in California and threatens to throw out the referendum results.

World Net Daily is reporting "Lawyers fighting in the courts on behalf of California's voter-approved Proposition 8, which was adopted by voters in 2008 and defined marriage as being between one man and one woman, today filed a motion asking that the trial court ruling from homosexual ex-Judge Vaughn Walker be tossed out.

The motion explains that federal law requires "that a judge recuse himself whenever he has an 'interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding"' or more generally, in any other circumstance in which 'his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."