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Brown U Pro-Gay Mob Attacks, Verbally Assaults, & Spits on Pro-Marriage Visitors

Brown U Pro-Gay Mob Attacks, Verbally Assaults, & Spits on Pro-Marriage Visitors

A group of volunteers with a Catholic pro-life ministry, "TFP", reports

"What we faced today at Brown University, an Ivy League university, had the flavor of a religious persecution. As we peacefully campaigned, about 250 frenzied pro-homosexual students gathered to scream, spit, taunt, insult, assault, and even attempt to destroy our traditional marriage banner. Only with supernatural protection, and a strong police presence, did TFP volunteers manage to complete the campaign without serious injury."

This group was "On the front lines for traditional marriage.

Situated in the heart of campus, Brown's central quad looked like a good spot to set up our campaign.

TFP says "As we strolled onto campus, the silence was shattered by a long, loud "Nooooooo, not at Brown!" After raising the American flag, TFP Standard and banner on the central quad, dozens of students gathered to take in the sight and snap photos on their cell phones. Also, one could not miss a large rainbow flag hanging from one of the campus buildings nearby. It was like a mini-Berkeley."

TFP typically had, as they normally do, bright red sashes, a large sign that says "Marriage Is Between a Man and a Women" and one large banner and an American Flag. They also have music. Always some kind of live music.

See the video