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Delgaudio told you so:Transgender training for TSA staff after agent 'fired for using women's toilet' wins payout

Transgender training for TSA staff after agent 'fired for using women's toilet' wins payout

A transgender TSA agent (a biological male who thinks "he" is a "she") fired from her job at an airport for using the women's toilet has received a five-figure pay-out from the agency.

Ms Yang says she now wants to use her story and lawsuit as a 'leverage' to help other transgender people in the future.

Blog: Ashley Yang, Transgender TSA Agent at LAX,

Gets Hit on After Being Forced to Frisk Men

kimbev69 says:

i'm sorry but as a woman i don't want him to pat me down either..that's that..and regarding sexual persuasion maybe we do need to know that if someone is patting you down as part of their position.