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As Public Advocate Predicted: Canadan Parliment Considers Pedophilia a "sexual orientation"

Repost from 8-24-2011 (see note below on reason for repost)
As Public Advocate Predicted: Canadan Parliment Considers: "Pedophilia a 'sexual orientation' "

According to Lifesite news, pro-pedohillia activists are using the pro-homosexual rights laws to push the abuse of Canadian children or legalized child abuse.

Public Advocate of the United States President Eugene Delgaudio has predicted that homosexual activists are assisting child molesting advocates for years, now it is a public record in the Canadian Parliment.
In Otttawa, Ontario, recently reports "a parliamentary session on a bill relating to sexual offenses against children, psychology experts claimed that pedophilia is a "sexual orientation" comparable to homosexuality or heterosexuality, a definition that was questioned by one Member of Parliament who was present.

Canadian Bill C-54, an Act to Amend the Criminal Code, seeks to increase or impose mandatory minimum penalties or punishment on sexual offenders of children for particular crimes.

Parliamentary discussion (recently) centered on the mandatory minimum imprisonment and how offenders respond to treatment. Dr. Vernon Quinsey and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, experts on the issue, were called to witness.
"When we speak of therapy or when individuals get therapy and we feel as though everyone is pacified, the good news is often illusory," said Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal.
"Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offence from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality," emphasized Van Gijseghem.

Toronto Sun Columnist Condemned Testimony

One columnist in the Toronto Sun, Brian Lilley, expressed shock at Van Gijseghem's testimony: "what really shocked me was the Universite de Montreal professor, Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, who showed up to tell MPs (Members of Parliment) pedophilia was a sexual orientation just like heterosexuality or homosexuality." He argued that "it's time to take our country back by ignoring the 'experts.'

Indeed, Public Advocate agrees with Brian Lilley. It is time Canadians took back their own country.

Canada fines clergy who condemn homosexual acts in their sermons in their respective churches.

It is the future for the United States of America if Americans do not stop the Homosexual lobby now.

For the full report

Note about this repost:

this is a repost. Public Advocate fights the Homosexual Lobby propaganda machine solicitations directed to children and believes the adding of the two words "sexual orientation" to any civil rights laws also opens up protections for pedophiles and other "rights" (polygamy, incest and more).

Michigan Homosexual rights blogs and one major Michigan news organization deny that homosexuals want rights for pedophiles and other child molestors. So Public Advocate is reposting internationally known reports showing the efforts of homosexual lobby leaders to recruit children.