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PARENT ALERT: Gay Lobby Admits: Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

repost from 9-2-2011
Gay Lobby Admits: Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

Its in black and white and its not contrived or satire.

It is directly in response to Public Advocate's and other groups succesful promotion of traditional marriage between a man and woman as the best thing for children.
And it is directly in response to our consistent position here at Public Advocate that homosexuals want, desire, direct all their propaganda at and to recruit children.
So now they, the top leaders of the homosexual lobby, boldly admit it, proclaim it and shout it to the highest roof tops:
"I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it's OK to be gay" I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.--Daniel Villarreal, Queerty contributor
explicit advertisements promoting homosexual lifestyle on this anti-family website

Note about this repost: this is a repost. Public Advocate fights the Homosexual Lobby propaganda machine solicitations directed to children and believes the adding of the two words "sexual orientation" to any civil rights laws also opens up
protections for pedophiles and other "rights" (polygamy, incest and more).

Michigan Homosexual rights blogs and one major Michigan news organization deny that homosexuals want rights for pedophiles and other child molestors. So Public Advocate is reposting internationally known reports