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Sandusky Scandal: Expresident Spanier is also linked to Franklin Scandal(Free Republic exclusive)

The Penn State Sandusky scandal is getting weirder by the day. Besides the delays in reporting a serial child molester for years, in the past week conflicts of interests in presiding judge as well as Penn State investigating committees, we have learned that Sandusky's lawyer impregnated an underage teen in the past, and a bizarre Sandusky interview with Bob Costas made news.

The most amazing link however has been identified by researchers into Graham Spanier's past. If it is not odd enough that Mr. Spanier was complicit in not reporting the Sandusky rape to the police, Mr. Spanier has a direct link to the sordid "Franklin Scandal" in Omaha, Nebraska (child kidnaping for sexual abuse and trafficking scandal). Looking at Mr. Spanier's biography, one can easily see that he served as Chancellor at University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1991 to 1995 right towards the end of the Franklin scandal