Iowa Caucus: Santorum Catches Fire, Romney "Wins", Paul in 3rd

Updated Wednesday 12 noon: Mitt Romney wins Iowa by 8 votes says the headline in the Iowa Register, but that victory is a call to arms for conservatives.
The final numbers from the Register are
Romney 24.6 per cent
24.5 %
Paul 21.4
Gingrich 13.3 %
10.3 %
Bachman 5%
Tuesday Updated: According to Des Moines Register online results as of 9:03 p.m. the results,with 46 per per cent of the polling places counted is a three way tie with Santorum 24.1%, Romney 23.8% and Paul 21.8% of the vote.
Gingrich in in 4th place with 13 per cent and Perry is in 5th
place with 10 per cent, Bachmann with 6 per cent and Huntsman with
0.6 (thats less than 1 per cent) per cent.