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"300 News Articles In One Major Newspaper, 300 To Go? Public Advocate and Eugene Delgaudio face the next 30 years"

Today's Blogs and on-line comments usually don't include "public policy researchers" which are people trained in minimal skills who can simply collect tons of written and published materials from hundreds of sources in five minutes.

The most they do is link to this website. Thank you. As if this website is a secret location known only to the poster. Awesome revelation.

The allegation is frequently (4,375 times on some repetitive postings which are copied and pasted into mirror websites set up with automatic placement) made that "Washington does not know Public Advocate".


Actually America does not read the Washington Post. So we understand nobody knowing about our frequent news plugs. Thank you.

And most of the American elite here in Washington either don't read it or consider it a small publication not worth quoting.

Or logically its (the W.Post) the "competiton media" that they, rival media outlets, are NOT ALLOWED TO READ by order of the senior editors or as posted in the employee handbook. Its in the code of ethics to have your own source. (Type only in desperation one minute to deadline "Published sources say".)

The least we can do here is acknowledge our critics or opposite political stalkers.

Its why Public Advocate was formed in the first place. We are here to counter the mis- representations in the Washington elite, like the Washington Post, and their liberal allies like the many Homosexual lobbies.

So for research-challenged commenters everywhere:

The oldest, and the model, theme for hundreds of liberals who "steal" the same theme for their current and recent postings elsewhere on the internet in five words:

"Conservative Letter Uses Strong Words"

By Pat Bauer Washington Post Staff Writer; The Washington Post (1974-Current file); Jun 3, 1981; C1; (thats page one of the old Metro section of the Washington Post which followed 2 "national sections".)

"Imagine," says the letter from Fairfax Republican Del. John S. Buckley. "The Department of Education could force your child or grandchild to sit in a classroom and hear that homosexuality is natural and decent."

Public Advocate Comment: its like its 1981 all over again and again and again. For the math challenged its THIRTY YEARS AGO.

Yes, we know we said 300 but it changed in the last five minutes-- here it is:

Washington Post Search Results: Eugene Delgaudio 434 results

Oldest in the "new archive section"
Robertson Backers Pack Va. Republican Meeting

"There are other candidates, but on the three big issues-the family, right to life and a strong economy-Robertson's the clear choice," said [Eugene A. Delgaudio], a lifelong Republican. Holding a "Fairfax for Pat" sign above his head, he added: "We're here for a fair shot at the presidential nomination. If not us, who? If not now, when?"

Dec 6, 1987 Washington Post

Yes, there are countless reports "Eugene A. Delgaudio" on demonstrations, costumed street theater, news conferences, opinions, statements, new technologies or techniques (FAX MACHINES, direct mail, phoning, loud noises, balloons, whistles, etc.) and other peaceful political expressions.


There are a lot of hard workers at the Washington Post who have filed a lot of stories and this really is a tribute to them and the future writers who don't have time to even get a sandwich due to deadlines and "demanding" editors who also don't have time to get a meal. Coffee or soup is the mainstay for "hard media".

To the future newbie Washington Post reporters: please add the word "long time conservative leader" to the title of Eugene Delgaudio per your own records.

The corpulent liberal bloggers and lazy homosexual lobbies spread lies about Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate have no excuse ignoring the body of the work done by an army of reporters just at one newspaper.



"Wall Street Journal and Many Newspapers Carry A P Report--INTERNET IS A GODSEND" on this Public Advocate website for a "thank you salute" to the national press.