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Eugene Delgaudio In Washington State Today, Endorses and Promotes Initiative-1192 to defend Traditional Marriage

Public Advocate urges supporters in Washington and the greater Northwest to work for the passage of both bills promoting tradtional marriage in Washington State.

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio is writing churches in Washington to urge them to collect signatures for "Initiative-1192" which would define marriage as between a man and a woman for various reasons.

Please download the actual petition here at this link:

Steve Pidgeon is quoted in an article online that explains the reasoning and we agree with Pidgeon's reasoning .

Public Advocate has been promoting referendums and defending referendums throught legal briefs from the very beginning of defending marriage, going back to the Supreme Court overturning the Colorado referendum. Public Advocate does not like, and condemns, liberal judges. From our experience and in current legal debates nationwide, the courts have upheld-- so far-- legislative that defines marriage in the law.

Here is PA's summary of why to pick Initiative-1192 over Referendum 74.

Without taking sides, one referendum challenges the law and is kind of confusing at the ballot box. The words same-sex marriage are listed in the title and somebody could think they are voting for same-sex marriage and then vote the wrong way. Also, there is a chance it can be ruled unconstitutional when it passes.

It is okay to have that proposal as an option but we prefer Initiative 1192.

The Initiative 1192 is based on an all new law. The legislature would have to vote to overturn it.

The legislature would likely need a two-thirds majority to do so and a Governor that would agree also. But next year a Republican governor is likely to be elected as he is a frontrunner in most polls.

The Republican candidate appears to favor traditional marriage. When someone challenged him once about it he told the woman to "go get a job."