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Obama's "Gay Play" Pays Off : Homosexual Money Pours Into the Coffers of Obama's Empty Drawers

Public Advocate president condemned the lure of the Homosexual Lobby's power and money and the President Barack Obama's chasing of this money over the issue of homosexual marriage.

Now the president is rolling in the money as a direct result of his announcement yesterday. Its ill begotten funds.

Buzzfeed reports

"President Barack Obama's endorsement of gay marriage carries a political cost, but it also means floods of cash from wealthy gay donors and disillusioned young people eager to be inspired by him again."

100s of gay fundraisers are dumping cash into the President's bank accounts.

Says Buzzfeed: "Already, gay donors, mostly men, reportedly constitute 1 in 6 of Obama's top fundraisers known as bundlers. And in the first 90 minutes after the news broke Wednesday, the campaign received $1 million in spontaneous contributions, a Democrat told BuzzFeed.

"This is beyond unifying - it's electrifying," said Eugene Sepulveda, a former top bundler who withdrew to take a non-political job early this year. "This man stands for right, despite the political consequences."

And for a class of disillusioned progressive mega-donors, many of them gay, the completion of Obama's "evolution" is an invitation reason to return.
"I think the people who were disappointed by the president's failure to support marriage quality will now have that barrier removed for them," said Jeff Soref, a longtime Democratic activist in the gay community."