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Public Advocate is condemning the tax funded Muppets cancelling a perfectly good contract with Chick-Fil-A.


Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio says: It is now clear: The tax-funded Muppets invaded Capitol Hill to condemn Republicans and urge the public to vote for the Democratic Party in broad day light and the Muppets are an attack brigade for the partisan liberal socialism that pays their salaries. Liberals condemn the small low budget street theater of Public Advocate but when the real professional actors in costumes and expensive props show

up , its okay and entirely proper and embraced. Take away their tax funding and will they do it with private support? We think not."

Fox News says:

After being thrust into the political spotlight Wednesday at a Democratic-held press conference to defend funding for public broadcasting, the Muppets are now the target of Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who accuses the PBS stars of being "political animals."

In a blog entitled "The Muppet Lobby," the South Carolina conservative -- who like the rest of his party wants to end taxpayer funding for public media -- pointed to Elmo's testimony before Congress about the need for more arts funding, his participation in other press conferences to increase spending on public broadcasting and his appearances on the lecture circuit last year with Federal Communications Chairman Julius Genochowski to promote federal broadband Internet.

"At this rate, Americas can expect Big Bird to start filming commercials to hype ObamaCare," he wrote on his blog. "If the FCC can borrow Elmo from PBS to build support for their plans, what's to stop the Department of Health and Human Services from feeding Big Bird some lines?"

On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Ed Markey, Betty McCollum held a press conference that featured Arthur the Aardvark, Elmo and Big Bird. The furry animals didn't speak, but Arthur maintained a painted grin as Markey railed against Republicans' plans to cut funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in a temporary spending bill to keep the government operating through the rest of the year.

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