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2005 Repost, Delgaudio "We Told You So" :Public Advocate to Withdraw Roberts Support

Today the Supreme Court announced it would not take up several appeals to defend traditional marriage in the United States. This would require four affirmations out of the 9. Judges Alito, Thomas and Scalia have always been expressively pro-traditional marriage. One judge was a swing vote and one judge, John Roberts, was openly condemned by Public Advocate previously as a "traitor to marriage".


Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio will hold a news conference on Wednesday morning, August 10, 2005 at 11:00 AM in front of the Supreme Court announcing that Public Advocate of the United States, a Virginia based national pro-family group is withdrawing its support for Judge John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON-- Public Advocate President Eugene

Delgaudio will be announce on Wednesday morning, August 10, 2005 at 11:00 AM in front of the Supreme Court that Public Advocate of the United States, a Virginia based national pro-family group is withdrawing its support for Judge John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court.

Press Conference Details---

When: Wednesday, August 10, 11:00 AM

Where: In front of the U.S. Supreme Court

Who: Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio

Why: The move comes as a result of Roberts' support for the radical homosexual lobby in the 1996 Supreme Court case Romer v. Evans, which overturned a pro-family law passed by the citizens of Colorado in an appalling act of judicial activism.

Delgaudio will give a short statement and will then be available to the media for questions.

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American family for over 25 years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions for gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.