FRC Shooting Suspect In Custody-- Floyd Corkins of Herndon, Va. "Armed, Shooting, Subdued and Yelling anti-Christian Messages"
A hero guard was shot today as he stopped a gunman from entering the Family Research Council in Washington DC. The shooting is being investigated as an act ofdomestic terrorism.
Family Research Council is a Christian, conservative based organization.Fox News reports that witnesses say the shooter was speaking out against the Family Research Council's Pro-Life, Pro-Family agenda as he tried to enter the building.
A security Guard stopped the shooter to ask where he was going and that is when the security guard was shot. Thankfully, the guard fought back, even after being shot, and was able to wrestle the shooter to the ground and took the gun. Witnesses say that after the shooter was subdued, the shooter told the guard, "it was not about you, it was about what this place stands for." The shooter was allegedly even carrying a Chick-Fil-A bag as he tried to enter the building.
From published online sources and also this link