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PA Believes: Judge Sharp Ruled To Keep Clayton On the Ballot "FOR NOW"

The Tennessean newspaper reports that it is possible the "ultra liberal" forces seeking to remove a candidate that recieved 50,000 votes in a free election from the ballot may return.

A federal judge ruled out a "restraining order" but might look at a proper law suit "later" according to the paper.

Most legal and lay observers say this is "unlikely" and that Clayton is on the ballot
to stay.

But this is the public record for now: Public Advocate says a "proper lawsuit is expected to
cancel Clayton's victory".

Direct From the Tennessean Newsite:

.........(Federal Judge Kevin).Sharp said he could not grant Crim's request for a restraining order because he had not offered any evidence that fraud or other wrongdoing had occurred. He also noted other errors in his filing, such as not naming the right election officials as defendants.

The ruling left open the possibility that Crim could amend his complaint and resubmit it. Crim said afterward that he might do so.

The decision represented a minor setback for state election officials.

Their lawyer had asked Sharp to rule on the case itself. With the November general election approaching, they said they preferred to have the issue resolved once and for all.

But Mark Goins, the state election coordinator, said he was nonetheless pleased with the outcome.

"I think Judge Sharp knows the issues, " Goins said. "I don't think he could have got to the merits. He basically gave every hint that he could."