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Governor Lincoln Chaffee Gives Death Penalty to Christmas Tree

Governor Chafee is emphatically misrepresenting the "traditions" of his state to have a Christmas tree in the state house. He calls it a "Holiday" tree because, he says its "always" been called a holiday tree.

Asked repeated by a CNS reporter he keeps to his position that nobody in his state has ever called it anything but a "Holiday tree".

Rather than risk the public turning out to sing Christmas carols, he gave a few minutes notice to the public lighting of the tree.

Chaffee is called Governor Grinch.

(CNS reports) Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I-R.I.) told on Wednesday that his administration calls the decorated evergreen tree erected in the Rhode Island State House in December a "holiday tree"--rather than a "Christmas tree"--because that is what the tree is traditionally called. spoke with Chafee following his remarks at the National Governors Association national summit in Arlington, Va.

(Chafee said) "a previous governor called it a holiday's tree," said Chafee. "That was the tradition.

"I don't know whether it goes back before him, the governor that preceded me, Gov. [Donald] Carcieri [R.]. Some say it goes back to the governor before him, Gov. [Lincoln] Almond [R.]," said Chafee. "But this has been the tradition of Rhode Island. I didn't change anything.".........

........But Rhode Island State Rep. Doreen Costa, who has called Chafee "Governor Grinch," told that she doesn't remember Chafee's predecessor, Gov. Carcieri, calling it a "holiday tree"--nor does she recall Carcieri's predecessor, Gov. Almond, calling the tree a "holiday tree."

"Gov. Chafee said Gov. Carcieri called it a 'holiday tree.' Personally, I don't remember that," Costa said.

But Carcieri also referred to it as a "Christmas tree," she said.

"There was no secret what Gov. Carcieri called it. It was not a secret," Costa said.