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Eugene Delgaudio "Victory" Statement: TSA to Remove Naked-Image Scanners..... Your Victory!

TSA to Remove Naked-Image Scanners From US Airports

The Transportation Security Administration has announced that it will remove the controversial "naked image" body scanners from US airports because developers can't write software to make the images less revealing.

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio and Public Advocate Vice President Mark Clayton issued a joint public statement:

"Public Advocate thanks President Barack Obama, both Houses of Congress for restricting the use of the naked scanners, and the TSA for finally responding to demands by Public Advocate members, the public and some noteworthy privacy defenders like Joseph Farah at World Net Daily and others.

This is a particular sweet victory in one important battle over years but it is also a tribute to the supporters of Public Advocate and their loyality and diligence. I fully credit the supporters as this could not have been done without the supporters.

Public Advocate had contacted over one million Americans on this topic and similar unnecessary intrusions and been ridiculed by pro-porn freaks who think nothing of allowing "anything goes" even the complete violation of innocent women and children in public.

Public Advocate hopes that the intrusive actions of TSA can be further restricted in the future but this is a first step." and other news sites are reporting:

"The scanners, made by OSI Systems Inc, have ruffled feathers since they were first rolled out. In a bid to quell controversy, the TSA looked to OSI to redesign software and make the scans less intrusive-but the company has failed to meet a congressional deadline to get the job done.

That means that the TSA will end the $5 million contract with OSI, reports Bloomberg. As a result, 174 of its Rapiscan units will disappear from US airports."

Previous Reports by Public Advocate (partial list)

Public Advocate's Critics Proved Wrong Again: Federal Audit Says TSA Lacks Proper Monitoring, Investigation of Air Passenger Complaints

New TSA Policy: Ordering Travelers To "Freeze" On Command? Bizarre power trip behavior of federal agency reaches new level of craziness

Delgaudio Predictions Proven Again: Nevada TSA employee charged with 'lewdness with a child'.

We Were Right All Along: Perverse Court Allows TSA Male Agent To Grope Women