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Eugene Delgaudio welcomes 10,000 Word Report: SPLC exposed - Southern Poverty Law Center - Morris Dees makes $1 Billion on "hate"

Eugene Delgaudio welcomes 10,000 Word Report: SPLC exposed - Southern Poverty Law Center - Morris Dees makes $1 Billion on "hate"

The Social Contract Report "Pofiteers of Hate" is a collection of articles discussing the many faults of the Southern Poverty Law Center. These include rampant fraud, blatant disregard for the welfare of those they claim to defend, and generally using every scam known to be used by unsavory examples of "Non-profit" organizations.

The articles posted on The Social Contract are of high quality, and a must read for anyone concerned about the abuses of the SPLC. These articles include such gems as:

American Thinker says:

"A growing consensus on the political right is to consider being labeled a hate group by the SPLC a badge of honor. I agree that it is, but I take issue with others about what is to be done.

When I look at the entire history of the SPLC, I don't think the recent trend of inflate the hate is as much about political correctness run completely amok in the age of Obama as it is about the greed and self-aggrandizement of the founder of the SPLC and the gullibility of the donor base."

Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label

King of the Hate Business

File:Betty Ford's gavel.jpg

File:Betty Ford's gavel.jpg

Social Contract says :

Mr. Dees, in fact, earns - or is paid, which is not necessarily the same thing - more than nearly any officer of other advocacy groups surveyed by the National Journal, more than the chairmen of the ACLU, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Children's Defense Fund.

(Said about or to Morris Dees)"You are a fraud and a con man," Stephen Bright, director of the Southern Center for Human Rights, which actually takes on dozens of death-penalty appeals for poor blacks every year, once told him (Dees).

"You spend so much, accomplish so little, and promote yourself so shamelessly."...

When a Hate Crime is Something to Love

17 Articles Expose SPLC
The Social Contract also dedicated an entire issue to the problems of the SPLC. It can be found here:

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