Eugene Delgaudio Condemns Leftist Killing Fields : Leftist Shooter Used Southern Poverty Law Center "Hate Map" to Plan Killings
Eugene Delgaudio Condemns Leftist Killing Fields : Leftist Shooter Used Southern Poverty Law Center "Hate Map" to Plan Killings
One of the peaceful non-violent "groups" (really just a writer on a website-- really) mentioned on the SPLC's Hate list is legitimately upset that the SPLC still refuses to take down what amounts to a hit list and map.
The writer recognises an article (about Public Advocate on WND) discussing how the SPLC intentionally disclosed information about one of the groups on it's list through court documents.
The group in question, of course, is none other then Public Advocate of the United States.
Daniel Greenfield headlines his appeal to reason on his opinion-news site:
"Speaking as one of those listed by the SPLC on its killing map, I find the Southern Poverty Law Center's behavior to be highly irresponsible.
While the SPLC pretends to oppose violent extremism, it is instead enabling it and enabling the murder of its political opponents."

Place On The Map
Greenfeild says "The SPLC's hate map was turned into a hit map by Floyd Lee Corkins II; one of the SPLC's leftist domestic terrorists."
While the media made a huge deal out of the bogus Gifford "Bullseye" Palin nonsense, the media refuses to cover this or to tell the Southern Poverty Law Center to take down their killing map.
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