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Tony Perkins Says "SPLC Proves With Actions Against Eugene Delgaudio A Pattern of Bullying"

Tony Perkins Says SPLC Proves With Actions Against Eugene Delgaudio A Pattern of Bullying

Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council, agrees with Public Advocate about the activities of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is made up of what are, at best, common bullies. Mr. Perkins also agrees that the SPLC made blatant efforts to endanger those who work at Public Advocate and that makes them hypocritical bullies.

"Thank you Mr. Perkins, we stand with you in every fashion as we work together for moral values and peaceful political discourse rather than threats of violence and anti-social actions," says Eugene Delgaudio President of Public Advocate.

Tony Perkins in an article on the Christian Post says "Bullying is not a new phenomenon; it's as old as man. But bullying has reached a point of near epidemic proportions, with one in four children experiencing bullying and up to 35 percent of the U.S. workforce reporting being bullied at work. Bullying is wrong, and should have no defenders."

"Bullying knows no boundaries. It's not just boys on the playground or people at work; it can even be organizations on the national stage as was revealed in a federal courtroom on February 6th."

"What was unveiled in the court chambers was the reality that some of the nation's biggest bullies hide behind the façade of being against bullying!"

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