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President Obama Openly Hallucinates About AMERICA'S "Evolution" On Marriage! says in "Obama on Gay Marriage: 'The Same Evolution I've Gone Through Is an Evolution' America Has Undergone"

"President Barack Obama said Friday that the country as a whole has gone through the same "evolution" he has in now supporting same-sex marriage."

President Obama security statement

President Obama security statement

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate says "Mr. President, you should stop all this partying and total mind-blowing rehtoric-- America is still pro-traditional marriage. You are hallucinating."

During a press conference Friday, Obama was asked about his Justice Department's brief in the California voter-approved Proposition 8 case before the Supreme Court that will decide whether the state - and possibly other states - can ban gay marriage.

"As everybody here knows, last year upon a long period of reflection, I concluded that we cannot discriminate against same-sex couples when it comes to marriage, that the basic principle that America is founded on, the idea that we're all created equal, applies to everybody regardless of sexual orientation, as well as race or gender or religion or ethnicity," Obama said. "I think that the same evolution that I've gone through is an evolution that the country as a whole has gone through, and I think it is a profoundly positive thing."

Obama initially publicly opposed gay marriage, but changed his position in 2012.

Public Advocate says Guess again, President Obama. Just because you have decided to act upon an anti-family agenda doesn't mean that the rest of us agree with you!

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