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Eugene Delgaudio: "Alien Homosexual Hordes Summoned To USA By U.S.Senate Bill"

CNN reports today "A top Senate Democrat has offered a pair of amendments to an immigration reform bill bolstering rights for same-sex couples, a politically risky move that threatens to shatter Republican support for the sweeping legislation."

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio says "Public Advocate has previously stayed out of foreign policy and immigration policy. To open up the floodgates of our nation to add to the ranks of an already overwhelmed traditional America is too much. I call on all traditional marriage minded Americans to call Senator Patrick Leahy and tell him this is not a good idea and to call their two U.S. Senators to state publicly they will not vote for this horrendous idea of allowing foreign born homosexuals automatic citizenship without limit."

Senator Patrick Leahy's phone number is 202 224-4242.

CNN says "Vermont Sen. Patrick's Leahy's amendments would recognize same-sex marriages in which one spouse is an American, and also would allow U.S. citizens to sponsor foreign-born same-sex partners for green cards as long as there's proof of a committed relationship."

They were among dozens of amendments filed with the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday as the panel prepares to take up the legislation later this week.

"For immigration reform to be truly comprehensive, it must include protections for all families," Leahy said. "We must end the discrimination that gay and lesbian families face in our immigration law."