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Eugene Delgaudio: Another (Illinois)homosexual teacher charged with sexual contact, transmitting HIV to teen

Eugene Delgaudio: Another (Illinois)homosexual teacher charged with sexual contact, transmitting HIV to teen

A Illinois news ite is reporting: "A Cahokia (Illinois) High School assistant teacher and coach has been charged with having sexual contact with a teenage boy and transmission of HIV.

Mario L. Hunt, 35, of the 1900 block of Florence Street in Cahokia, was charged in St. Clair County on Monday with criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual abuse transmission of HIV. The offenses happened with a 17-year-old boy during the first six months of 2011.

Cahokia School District Superintendent Art Ryan said that, a couple weeks ago, a parent complained to the school that Hunt was inappropriately communicating with her son via text and Facebook. The district was investigating the parent's complaint when police came to the school and asked to interview Hunt. Hunt has been suspended since that police interview.

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