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Eugene Delgaudio: "Nationwide Purge Of Moral Law Enforcement Agents Is In Full Swing -- AG Holder Ordering All Employees To Approve Of Acts Against Nature"

DOJ Pride guidlelines. All managers are now required to approve of homosexuality.

The attorney general has ordered the explicit verbal approval of all homosexual practices no matter how disgusting repugnant or disturbing by a new "pride guideline" directed at all employees.

"This is complete mind control and thought control of all employees charged with the enforcement of the law in the country on the topic of a moral issue which is a contradiction to all organized religion in traditional America and most of the religions on the planet Earth, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

"The guidelines order DOJ managers to interpret "silence" on the part of employees as "disapproval of acts against nature", says Delgaudio, "and this means automatic singling out of all Christians in the next few days for dismissal and sanction."

World net daily reports: "Under President Obama, "justice" is anything but blind. Neither is it deaf. In fact, based on recent revelations, it appears to be watching your every move and listening to your every word. Still, if you happen to be a federal employee, now it's even listening for your silence."

The only thing this Obama White House seems to generate is scandal. Well, here's yet another to add to the growing list. In addition to the Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting of political dissenters and the illegal seizure of media phone records, whistleblowers within DOJ have contacted Liberty Counsel to express grave concerns over this administration's latest attack on freedom.

Actual guidelines from DOJ

WND report