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Tu Er Maricon ("You are a Sissy") Gets Hysterical Over-reaction from Homosexual Lobby And a $87,000.00 Judgement Delivered to the Gay Lobby

When a Crowd Becomes a Mob

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate says "It is always interesting to see what people are willing to forgive, versus what they will excoriate at the slightest chance. If it were not for double standards, many people would have no standards at all. Here we have a hispanic male who does not speak English being held to some politically correct standard that is not even in his home culture. It seems public bigotry and institutional bigotry-- manifested by a fine of $87,000-- delivered to the homosexual lobby in cash-- everything and anything for the sake of the homosexual lobby is okay."

Donald DeMarco of crisis magazine reports: "It was Victoria Day in Canada and the Toronto Blue Jays were hosting the Rays of Tampa Bay. The word "hosting," however, hardly applied to the treatment that one Yunel Escobar, the Rays shortstop, received, who was lustfully booed each time he came to the plate. "

When he homered in the 9th inning, he was booed again for employing his signature gesture as he crossed home plate-stretching his arms out to indicate the "safe" sign. Cuban-born, Escobar does not speak English. Through a translator, he expressed his astonishment: "It's something I do every time I cross home plate." But that is not the reason for Escobar's status as a pariah.

Crowds are usually forgiving to athletes and are willing to put aside any number of offences ranging from DUI, PED, torturing animals, sexual promiscuity, siring numerous children out of wedlock, and involuntary manslaughter. What was it that Señor Escobar did that was so grievous and unforgiving?

Phrase: "Tu Er Maricón" Gets $87,000 to the Gay Lobby

Prior to a game back in 2012, Escobar inscribed three Spanish words on the black tape that ballplayers place under their eyes as a shield against the glare of the sun: Tu Er Maricón. According to my Spanish dictionary, this means, "You are a sissy." It was not directed to anyone and did not imply a particular sexual orientation. Spanish players have admitted that they toss this phrase around with each other in a joking and non-offensive way both in the clubhouse and on the field. Miami Marlins manager, Ozzie Guillen, avers that he and his children use it around the house all the time.

No one noticed the words and it would have had a quiet death as a non-issue. But a fan noticed it when he looked at a picture he had taken of Yunel Escobar. He immediately interpreted the words as homophobic, and contacted the Blue Jays organization. Action was swift and punitive.

Instead of explaining to the shortstop that this kind of thing is unacceptable, the organization suspended him without pay and forced him to donate his lost salary of $87,000 to two homosexual organizations. He was obliged to attend sensitivity-training classes and was traded before the season ended. Escobar's weak defense was that the words he used "were not meant to be offensive."

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