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President Appoints Army Of Militant Homosexuals To Disrupt Christian and Moral Countries

President Obama this month nominated three openly gay men for posts as ambassadors to Spain, Denmark, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

On June 14, the president named James Costos to take over as ambassador to Spain and Rufus Gifford to become ambassador to Denmark. On June 10, he named Daniel Baer to serve as ambassador to the 57-nation security group that cooperates to address concerns over such matters as border security, human trafficking, and the illegal distribution of weapons.

The new nominations this month bring to estimated 272 the number of appointments President Obama has made of openly LGBT people to his administration. That's almost double the estimated 140 appointments of LGBT people by President Clinton during his two terms. President Obama was also the first president to appoint an openly transgender person to his administration.

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio is asking supporters to demand a recorded "no" vote from pro-family Senators during the roll call in the Senate on confirmation.