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Eugene Delgaudio: Astounding Disaster--95 Known Accused Sexual Predators In One School System

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate says " We have allegations, again, documenting the reality that about 100 aleged sexual predators, unknown as to their identities to parents, but known to authorities in New York, are employed in the New York City school system. This must be one of the most astounding disasters known to mankind to the average citizen but not to Public Advocate how alleged sexual predators can roam freely in schools after complaints are made."

The Daily News reports "Data obtained by Brown (head of a non-profit group) and the Daily News show that officials tried to fire 128 school staffers for sexual misconduct or inappropriate relationships with students since 2007 - but only 33 educators were actually fired."


The Daily News also reports

Only a tiny fraction of educators brought up on firing charges are terminated. In the 2011-12 school year, 223 were charged with all types of misconduct, but only 17 were fired.

Critics believe the state-mandated hearing process - in which educators who have already been found guilty of misconduct are doled out punishment by independent arbitrators - too often lets dangerous predators keep their jobs...........

Former Stuyvesant High School librarian Christopher Asch was busted by city Education Department officials for "inappropriate touching" in 2010. During the investigation, Asch admitted he attended two meetings of the North American Man/Boy Love Association, which advocates for legal sex between men and young boys.

But a state hearing officer gave Asch only a six-month suspension.

Asch was later arrested as part of the "cannibal cop" probe, and was charged with plotting to kidnap, torture and rape women and children

He's now finally off the city payroll.

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Solution Proposed One Year Ago Sits In Legislature-- STALLED

The Mayor and School Chancelor propose , according to The New York Daily news,

"(take) sexual-misconduct cases away from paid arbitrators and give it to those officials tasked with protecting our kids - the city schools chancellor and school district administrators elsewhere in the state. Under the proposed law, teachers accused of sexual misconduct would retain the right to due process and ability to appeal their terminations in court. And the vast majority of teacher-termination cases would not be affected at all."

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