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Iowa Wedding Venue Gets Threats, Fears Shut Down After Saying "No Thanks" To Gay Wedding

The Blaze reports:

Another business is facing retribution for declining service to a same-sex couple. Betty and Dick Odgaard, owners of Görtz Haus Gallery in Grimes, Iowa, are catching the ire of gay rights advocates after they declined offering their venue to Lee Stafford and his fiance Jared.

Now the owners, who are Christians, are receiving vicious and threatening emails and phone calls - and they fear that their business could shut down because of the fierce reaction.

It was less than one week ago that the Lee and Jared entered Görtz Haus looking for additional information about holding their wedding there. After Dick realized that it would be a gay ceremony, he told the couple that they would not be able to hold their nuptials at the establishment - and that's when the controversy erupted.

"It started with emails and we noticed the emails were from a person with a name that looked like a man's name. We're a little suspicious about it and & two fellows walked in and that's where it all began," Dick told TheBlaze on Friday. "It was obvious what the situation was. I had to confirm it. I asked if this was a gay marriage celebration and I said we can't take your money for this."

Hat tip to Free Republic! For more on this report go to

The Blaze