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Texas DA Rosenthal Recieves FAM Award

Falls Church, VA -- Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate of the United States, announced today that Texas District Attorney Charles Rosenthal will receive the group's Family Advocate of the Month Award for his courage before the United States Supreme Court while arguing the state's case for Lawrence vs. Texas.

The case is one of the most important family rights cases to come before the Court in over a decade as the plaintiff, a radical homosexual extremist from Texas, seeks to overturn all state enacted sodomy laws by inventing new special rights for homosexuals in the Constitution. Rosenthal aptly argued before the court that no such special rights exist, and that Texas uses the law to protect the health and well-being of Texan families.

"Mr. Rosenthal has given the radical homosexual lobby a run for their money with his strong arguments in favor of all American families before the Court," stated Delgaudio. "Even though this case should have never seen the light of day in the United States Supreme Court, Mr. Rosenthal has made the best of the situation and Public Advocate was pleased to file a friend of the court brief on his behalf, and honored that he was able to use some of our arguments when presenting his case before the justices."

The Family Advocate of the Month Award is given monthly to Americans who fight for family values while exposing the politically correct liberal elite as the hypocrites they are. The honor is accompanied by a $100 reward, which Mr. Rosenthal chose to donate back to Public Advocate, so the group could "continue to do the good work (they) do." Each year one of the winners of the monthly award will be chosen as Family Advocate of the Year and will receive a $500.00 award.

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American Family as a non-profit, 501.c.4 organization since 1978. For more information please contact Jesse Binnall at 703/582-7924 or by email at [email protected].
