Eugene Delgaudio: "Pennsylvania Residents Asked To call their Governor To Defend Marriage"
In a statement sent to thousands of Pennsylvania supporters, Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said the following in part:
"Pennsylvania residents need to take action right away!
The Homosexual Lobby is created lawlessness across your state.
Right now, numerous government officials are openly violating the law in order to support the Homosexual Agenda.
...........That's why I am asking you to call the Governor's Office right now and insist he take whatever action is necessary to halt the illegal spread of homosexual "marriage" in your state by government officials. "
Source for this statement in response to current events at these links:
"Pennsylvania is one of 35 states that ban same-sex marriages, but the register of wills in Montgomery County, D. Bruce Hanes, began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples three weeks ago. Mr. Fetterman married Bill Gray and John Kandray of Swissvale last week, and the requests have been rolling in since then."