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Pro-Gay Anti-Public Advocate Eugene Delgaudio Haters in News Media Party All Night

Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate says "those in the news media who are critics of Public Advocate's efforts to oppose the Homosexual lobby are drinking and going to parties in Boston at the NLGJA conference in Boston this weekend."

Massresistance reports:

Although most people have probably never heard of the NLGJA, it is a big force in the national (and even some local) media. Founded in 1990, the NLGJA receives funds from major TV networks and newspapers (including Fox), as well as other corporations, and has become extremely influential in newsrooms across the country. Their goal is to push and enforce positive reporting of LGBT issues in the nation's news media.

Not surprisingly, one of NLGJA's major efforts is their "Rapid Response Task Force" which converges on any news organization that doesn't report on LGBT issues positively, or even uses terminology that homosexual and transgender activists don't like. This strategy appears to be incredibly effective and unquestionably has had a chilling effect on how homosexual and transgender issues are reported to the public. (Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any pro-family version of this.)

This year's NLGJA annual convention is taking place right now -- Aug. 21-25 -- in downtown Boston. Their influence appears to be growing each year. We'll have more on this year's convention in an upcoming email.

But make no mistake: The massively pro-homosexual bias in news coverage in the media is no accident. It's the result of years of work, funding, and propaganda.