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Eugene Delgaudio: Hillary Clinton Receives "Elton John Award" for Declaring War Against All Religious Values

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, says "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has declared world war against organized religions and traditional societies by promoting the homosexual lifestyle in every foreign embassy with lavious propaganda campaigns and poliicies aimed at host countries in a multi-faceted multi-faith assault."

Newsbusters is reporting:

Hillary Clinton is likely going to have to create a separate wing in her Chappaqua, New York, home for all the awards she's going to receive in the coming years to assist her march to the White House.

On Wednesday, the Elton John Foundation announced that the recently opposed to same-sex marriage former Secretary of State is to receive the organization's first Founder's award for her - wait for it - support of gay rights.

The foundation in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter "cited a 2011 speech in which Clinton asserted that gay rights were human rights for helping envision a world without AIDS."