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Eugene Delgaudio: Public Advocate Supporters Flood Senators With Calls for Filibuster Against ENDA

"I am writing thousands to call their respective Senators in 25 states to round up enough votes to sustain a filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Conservative Senators must take a stand against this monstrosity of a bill S 815," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

In a message to thousands of supporters in 25 states, Delgaudio says in part:

"Have no doubts -- the Homosexual Lobby wants to use the Gay Bill of Special Rights to punish pro-Family and Christian Americans.

You and I have to act now.

Our goal is to rouse the conservative minority in the senate to a pro-Family filibuster of S.815!

Public Advocate delivered one million petitions to 100 Senators earlier this year.

And we have collected over 50,000 fresh petitions since S.815 moved out of Committee a few weeks ago.

We will be delivering those directly to all 100 Senators......" (in part).

There are some who wrongly believe this bill (S 815) is "harmless" and needs not to be publicly opposed. They are all wrong. Public Advocate considers silence on the bill to be a betrayal of the traditional family in America.