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Eugene Delgaudio Asks Supporters To Put Spotlight On Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

In a nationally distributed message, Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio reacts to the disasterous pro-gay majority in the U.S. Senate by asking supporters demand Republican Majority Leader find his voice and speak up now.

Delgaudio said in his message today (Monday November 4) in part :

"The Homosexual Lobby now has enough votes to shut down a conservative filibuster of S.815!

And this last vote of support was just announced today -- by a supposedly conservative Republican.

Every single Democrat is already promised to vote for the despicable bill.

Even worse, some Republicans are supporting it too.

My friend, the Homosexual Lobby and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won't move forward unless they keep the 60 votes needed to silence a pro-Family filibuster.

And they can only do this with Republican support.

The question remains: Why is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell silent on this fight?"