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AS Public Advocate Supporters March On McConnell: "Mitch McConnell Embraces the Anti-Rush Limbaugh Playbook"

Coincidently on the same day that Public Advocate supporters call, visit and write Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell over his deathly silence on the ENDA bill being considered in the Senate, Red State and others post this news and brings a New York Times report to its national audience.

RedState Says: (Breitbart is posting a similar account)

For the last year, the left has engaged in an organized campaign to drive Rush Limbaugh off the air. Knowing they cannot go after Rush Limbaugh directly, the left has launched repeated boycotts against any advertisers who dare advertise while Rush Limbaugh is on. Consequently, some advertisers decided to stop advertising at all on political talk radio, depriving the genre as a whole of resources.

And it still hasn't hurt Rush Limbaugh.

Mitch McConnell has decided to embrace the same strategy in his war against the Senate Conservatives Fund. He can't attack the Jim DeMint created Senate Conservatives Fund outright, so instead he will launch an all out war against anyone who does business with the Senate Conservatives Fund.

This story, from the New York Times, is intriguing. McConnell has demanded, via the National Republican Senatorial Committee, that anyone who wants GOP support stop hiring Jamestown Associates.

Redstate report:

Breitbart report


New York Times report

Other report

Did the NRSC's Josh Holmes Just Cost Mitch McConnell His Primary?