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Eugene Delgaudio: Public Advocate Contacts One Million To Support Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson

In written messages, advertisements and in planned phone calls to over one million contacts and supporters over several days, Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, a small low budget non-profit group, is saying in part:

"Phil spoke out publicly in support of real family values and traditional morality... and A&E made this a public issue when they sacked him for it.

You and I cannot leave a pro-Family spokesman alone while he's under attack.

If we don't come to his defense, the Homosexual Lobby will guarantee that our families never see anything wholesome in the media again."

Delgaudio is collecting signatures on a petition, asking for calls to the network and asking for support of other groups and their efforts to defend Phil Robertson that are not affiliated with Public Advocate.

A&E has suspended Phil Robertson. Join the movement to make our voices heard...

Protest to A&E! Call A&E @ 212-210-1400
or write them by email [email protected]

Sign the petition for Public Advocate at

Public Advocate is not afilliated with Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty or A and E Network TV.