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Video: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Speaks Out

Robertson was filmed giving an Easter Sunday sermon at Whites Ferry Road Church in his hometown of West Monroe, Louisiana on April 20.

In the footage, the 68-year-old expresses his anger at the outcry over his December interview in GQ magazine, in which he likened homosexuality to bestiality and branded gay people sinners.

'They were mad at me,' he tells the congregation in the video. 'You say, "why'd they get mad at you?" Cuz instead of acknowledging their sin, like you had better do, they railed against me for giving them the truth about their sins. Don't deceive yourselves.'

Conservative supporters included Sarah Palin, who wrote in a Facebook post: 'Free speech is an endangered species. Those intolerants' hatin' and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us.'

Watch Phil Robertson's video on YouTube.