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USA Today: People Want Traditional Marriage

A new poll points for traditional marriage support in Michigan.

The poll, done May 17-20 exclusively for the Detroit Free Press, WXYZ-TV in Detroit and our statewide media polling partners by EPIC-MRA of Lansing, found that if a vote on allowing same-sex marriage in Michigan were held today, 47% would vote yes and 46% would vote no. The remaining 7% were either undecided or refused to say.

The 2013 poll was one of several Michigan polls showing a trend toward support of same-sex marriage since 2004, when Michigan voted 59% in favor of defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican who said in a 2010 debate he believes marriage is between one man and one woman but has refused to state his position since taking office in 2011, has said the marriages were performed legally but Michigan can't recognize them or grant the couples marital rights while the state's appeal of the ruling is pending.

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