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Justice Department Responds to Public Advocate Video?

Today, Public Advocate posted a video describing and promoting our grassroots efforts to sign petitions to remove Attorney General Eric Holder. In respond to the public version of the video, Public Advocate believes Holder's Justice Department has formed an Domestic Terrorism Task Force directed at internet groups.

In light of the Justice Department's relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center and it's newest attacks on Public Advocate, we believe there is no concidence to this announcement and Public Advocate is preparing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records and correspondence regarding the formation of this task force.

Watch our video:

AP: U.S. Justice Department Reviving Domestic Terrorism Panel

"The Justice Department is reviving a task force dedicated to preventing acts of domestic terrorism.

Officials say the reconstituted panel will include national security lawyers from the Justice Department and representatives from the FBI, among other agencies."

Talk Show Host Savage Predicts Persecution of Christian Leaders, Again

Talk Show Host Michael Savage said on his national broadcast today that the task force may be used target Christian groups using the internet to promote traditional marriage or even men in the Armed Services that donate to pro-family groups like the American Family Association (AFA).

for more on the Justice Department announcement: